Lower Level Room
siem•pre | syehm-preh
English translation: always, forever, all the time, ever, eternally, evermore

Stunning Views
The Always Room connects to the beautiful Veranda and The Rotunda Garden.
Huge floor to ceiling sliding doors provide connectivity for the perfect inside and out wedding. A beautiful stone fireplace creates the perfect backdrop for ceremonies, head tables for your wedding dinner, and much more. The baluster stairway leads guests from the veranda to the iconic Rotunda Garden where dreams come true every sunset!
The Rotunda Garden has the perfect ambience for a wedding ceremony. Your wedding guests will be comfortably seated while watching the wedding couple take their vows in the best ceremony location in all of Utah. You can also choose to have guest tables setup in the garden for cocktails and horderves or your wedding dinner.
The wood floor in the Always Room is perfect for your wedding reception first dance. The perfect location to treasure this iconic wedding moment.